Friday, November 29, 2019

12 Signs Youre Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services

12 Signs Youre Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services Youre living the dream as a freelance writerexcept its less like a dream and more like a nightmare. Barely scraping by, exhausted, resentful, hating writing even though you used to love it and at one tie thought that this would be the perfect job. What happened? Where did things go wrong? Chances are pretty good that it can be traced back to one simple cause: youre underselling your freelance writing services. Are You Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services? There are 12 signs youre underselling your freelance writing services and you might be surprised at how many you can identify with. If you find one that you know youre guilty of, tweet it and help out your fellow freelance writers. Maybe its time you considered raising your prices. 1. You havent raised your prices in a while. Are you still using those super-competitive 1970s prices? A year or two or five goes by quickly.  Its easy to forget that you need to revisit your pricing and consider upping it to meet current industry levels. You need to make a living in the 21st century, not the 20th. Your prices must reflect that. Of course, maybe you already know this but you hate to inform current clients of price increases because youre afraid to lose them, or dread their response. How do you go about raising prices and setting your minimum acceptable rate? Youll need information. Whats the going rate in your area for what youre doing? How much money do you need to live? What are your business expenses? How much work do you currently have? Is more available? Knowing your clients, how many do you think will go away after a price raise? How many will stay? Once you know the facts (with #4 being an educated guess), uniformly raise your prices to be competitive and contact all of your clients. Be careful about giving one client a deal and not another; word gets around. Consider this strange thought: sometimes higher prices bring you into a new bracket of clients and can actually open doors for you that your lower prices would not. Mistake 1: You havent raised your prices in the past two years. 2. You are overloaded and overwhelmed with work. Youre working more than you ever did andmaking less. You could write a magazine article for $500 or you could write 25 blog posts for $20. While the magazine article will take hard work, it is one project, one client, one deadline, and one (if you want to think of it this way) headache. 25 blog posts means 25 deadlines, 25 clients, and a lot more management time as well as topics you need to write about. Its your choice: take every little low-priced piece of work that comes your way, or draw a line in the sand as a standard that you wont go below and stick by it. And that line? It has to be a livable line, i.e. enough money to live off of with a reasonable amount of time left for enjoying life. Mistake 2: Youre working more, but earning less. 3. Your clients dont even attempt to negotiate. Were not saying you should pick prices that are high enough to make your clients stop breathing when you announce them, but if you notice that your prices dont even make them pause and try to negotiate, maybe youre aiming too low. Negotiation isnt a sign that someone thinks youre trying to rip them off and that they need to get your pricing back in line. Instead, its a sign that they actually want your product, and are willing to do a little work to see if they cant get it on their terms. Negotiation is sometimes the sign of someone sticking around, not someone leaving. Dont set prices low so as to avoid negotiation. Set them higher to be in a better position for it. Mistake 3: Your clients dont attempt to negotiate. 4. Youre satisfied with less money and think exposure will pay the bills. Well sure, money sounds great. But if you lower the bar so that we can only pay you $10 dollars for your magazine article but youll get exposure doesnt raise alarm bells, you arent going to be freelancing for long. Youll be working a regular job and writing on the side. Small (or no) payment writing is often tagged with the promise of exposure. What is the price on that? Can you put exposure in your savings account? Evaluate just how valuable exposure is, and if the exposure a client promises can actually benefit you. Freelance writing will cover many topics. Many of the things youll write about will be wholly unrelated to each other, and to you as a writer. Exposure in that genre doesnt mean much. The clients audience probably doesnt care about you.  Is the audience of this client interested in finding a freelance writer, or are they interested in the topic? If its the latter, they dont care who you are and what you do, and never will. They are the clients fans, not your fans. Dont forget youre the hired pen. The client needs your output, not you personally. Letting their audience know about your output is a nice ego boost, but it wont bring much back to you. That sounds harsh, but when you are earning your living, you dont have time for ego boosts. Rethink how you think about money. Understand the difference between a pittance and a paycheck. Mistake 4: Youll take less money and bank on exposure to pay the bills. Your time has value. Stop giving it away for free. 5. You have yet to equate time with money. Time = money. You have limited time. You determine what that time is worth. If you dont understand this, youll never appreciate how those low-priced freelance projects are actually a loss, and not real income. Youll only make a success out of taking low-paying jobs if you never sleep and have discovered a 30-hour day. For the rest of us, we must look at projects not only in terms of the money, but the time it is going to take us to earn that money and if it is worth it. How much time do you need for your family? How much time do you need for yourself to recharge? How much time do you have available if youre working a part-time job? Its all an equation, and youd better do the calculations because your time is definitely limited. Itd be a shame to trade an hour for $15 when someone else would have given you $50. If you dont understand that time equals money, youll get to know sleep-deprived exhaustion well, and mistake it for earning a living. Mistake 5: You dont equate time with money. 6. You dont think youre an expert. Ever thought anything like this? Im not good enough to write about that. I dont know enough. That other writer probably knows more than I do. No one would care what I had to say. You think youre a fraud. In some ways, expertise is a form of confidence, not knowledge. It is always just beyond our reach, and that means we operate one step out of our comfort zone and have to gather the courage and confidence to project a landing on the other side. Maybe you cant write detailed magazine articles about brain surgery, but you can grab at those topics youd never considered that dont require specialist knowledge. That gap between what you comfortably know, and what you are supposed to produce, is often closed by research, practice, and a proven system involving drafts and editing. Take the small leaps and become an expert when you stick the landing. Thats how you keep growing as a writer. Mistake 6: You dont think youre an expert. 7. You prefer to be safe above anything else. Theres nothing wrong with being safe. Preferring safety above all else, though, means youll grab any low-paying job that floats by. Its money. You need money. Not having money is scary. Its safe to take on anything that brings in money.  Youd never consider turning down a chance to earn money, youd never gamble that something bigger and better is out there, because that is most certainly unsafe. I cant make promises and say that if you refuse the jobs that are priced to low, refuse the almost-free jobs that promise some form of exposure, that the Big One will land in your lap. It might not. Thats why its called a gamble: you sometimes take a chance and turn down those safe choices and set yourself up for the larger opportunities. Youll never land the Big One if you dont plan for it, and that planning wont happen when youre juggling endless low-paying jobs. Mistake 7: You prefer to be safe more than anything. 8. Youre terrified of confrontation. Youd rather do anything–ANYTHING–than deal with confrontation. But you know what negotiation is? Confrontation. And you know what asking for a livable rate is? Confrontation. Youre confronting the clients sincere desire to save money with your sincere desire to make a living. The best thing to do to get over being afraid of confrontation is to confront. You dont have to be aggressive, but letting your freelancing work be ruled by a fear of confrontation turns you into a doormat. Oh, how tempting it is for a client to use that fear of confrontation to get you to write a few extra draft ideas or give us some options or throw in a few hundred more words at the last minute before you get paid. Not all confrontation is angry, but it should be about fairness towards you and the client. And yes, some confrontation might lead to the end of a client account. Accept it and move on. Mistake 8: Youre terrified of confrontation. Learning to say no to clients is terrifying, but will help you get your work-life balance back. 9. The word no has yet to enter your vocabulary. Saying the word no is the only way youll keep your sanity, your health, and your abilities. Saying yes to everyone and every project is definitely going to lead to writer burnout and resentment. No, you dont have to take every project. No, being desperate is not always a good reason. No, you dont have time for that project though that doesnt mean the project isnt worthwhile for someone else. And  yes, its OK to ask to get paid some or all up front. Mistake 9: You dont know how to say no. 10. Your only goal is paying rent. What kind of goal do you have with your writing? Is it merely to cover this months bills, or to pay off debt that controls your life? Hopefully, you have something larger in mind for your lifes work. While you may not want to write down a comprehensive business plan, it certainly helps you to write down what you want to see happen with your writing, and then give it a timeline. For example,  if you have considerable debt or financial obligations that are driving you to take any and all jobs out of desperation, it might not hurt to get a side job for a while. Put debt reduction on the timeline and plan it out so you have an end goal to look forward to as you move on to the next step. Your writing should have a bigger goal than keeping you out of the hangmans noose. Hopefully, you want to achieve something more from your writing, such as being a published author with a book, or having a blog with X amount of daily traffic that you can live off of. Until you are out of the grip of financial terror, you wont even consider such goals and you wont take any steps to choose clients that can help you reach those goals. Youll take whatever you can get before the next bill is due. Your writing deserves to be more than insurance from debtors prison. Mistake 10: Your only goal is paying rent. 11. You are embarrassed to talk about yourself. Humility is in short supply these days, unfortunately, but when it comes to finding work and promoting yourself to a potential client, you need to be able talk about yourself realistically. For some people, talking about themselves, and talking themselves up is natural. But for some artists and writers (myself included), talking about your abilities in even mildly positive terms is very challenging because it feels like bragging. When asked, you dont have to say I am the greatest writer ever! but you should be able to say I have the experience and I can write this for you. If you find yourself quickly getting used to self-promotion, a word of caution: Dont over-promise and find yourself in a mess later because you actually dont have the chops to deliver what you promised. Be honest about what your abilities are. This includes things like: How quickly you can work. How many projects you can manage at once. What topics you are able to write on. Whether you can work with other writers or designers on a project. Technological capabilities. Do you know how youd answer if asked any of these? If not, this is a good time to take stock of what you can do, and be ready to answer confidently. Be confident, not cocky, about yourself. Theres no shame in that. Mistake 11: You are embarrassed to talk about yourself. 12. You think pricing is the only reason clients come back. A low price might be the only reason clients come back if their sole goal is saving a buck. (Do you really want those clients?) You forget that amazing service, fantastic writing, and an overall slice of awesome will trump cheap every time for clients worth your time. When you know you have the skills and the ability to deliver a great product, you can confidently ask for higher rates. And, when you deliver, your clients will have no problem the next time they come back for additional writing services. Clients who come back because you have cheap prices are clients that are going to make your life miserable. They arent there because of what you can do, theyre there because of what they plan to do. Theyre bean counters and are going to wring every last free drop out of you that they can. There is a strange inverse connection between the amount a client pays and the noise level they make. Clients that are at the level where they understand legitimate pricing also are professional enough to not bother or micromanage you. They trust your skills, as a professional. Cheap is cheap.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The shawshank Redemption, essays

The shawshank Redemption, essays A film has: Conflict, Action, Dialogue, Setting, Atmosphere and Point of view. Choose two of these and, with close reference to The Shawshank Redemption, show how they are used to aid the communication of a key theme from the film. Hope is a key theme in The Shawshank Redemption. Two major elements that are used to aid the communication of this theme are Conflict is used throughout the entire film to highlight the key theme of hope. A prime example of this conflict is Ellis Redding (Red) who is in conflict with himself. Red simply refuses to have any hope in his prison life. Red believes that hope is a dangerous thing and after meeting Andy Dufresne is in a constant battle with himself, trying not to trust in hope after witnessing it destroy many people before him. It is noticeable that Red is afraid of hope for the same reason. Reds conflict becomes more evident when Andy gives him a harmonica, only a short period after Andys debate with Red about music freeing the soul and the fact the hope is a good thing. Even in darkness of his cell, Red only dares to blow his harmonica once and reacts by clenching it tightly, frightened by the idea that music frees the soul and the hope that Andy Dialogue plays a vital part in the communication of the main idea of hope. Most of the dialogue that involves hope has Andy involved and a good example of this dialogue is when Andy is let out of the hole after playing the music over the loud speaker. Andy describes how the music cannot be taken away from him. Andy then asks Red if he has ever felt that way about music and Red talks about playing a harmonica when he was younger and says that it didnt make much sense on the inside. Andy is shocked and insist that it makes the most sense on the inside and the importance of it to remind of the outside world and hope. Red replies saying Hope is a dange ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal statement for Appllication to Master of Financial engineering

For Appllication to Master of Financial engineering - Personal Statement Example For the first time, I realized that certain patterns can be discovered in something which is apparently random. This was a revelation to me and it ignited my interest in Analytical Math. I became an avid reader of books on Number Psychology, Odds Formation and Investment Strategy. I tremendously enjoyed using Analytical Math to predict game outcomes. I even formulated my personal odds model and way of analysis. In fact, I can often accurately predict the bookmaker William Hill’s odds of success! The more I delved into the subject, the more I fell in love with numbers! After graduating from High School, I visited an uncle who works in a large investment firm in China. During my time with him, I perceived that mathematical analysis is not just the perfect prediction tool for fun games – it is also a practical instrument in the world of business. Statistical analysis is the most reliable means of accurately predicting organizational performance. The commercial applications of mathematical analysis again impressed me as I observed my father’s work as the Manager of an export/import company. It was wonderful to know that Mathematics, the love of my life, is also one of the most powerful tools in commerce! I began to see the outlines of my future career and the path to its realization. My parents, both of whom hold graduate degrees, are living examples of the life-changing empowerment of strong academic qualifications. They show me that any successful career needs to be firmly founded on impeccable academic credentials. My mother is the Dean at the College of Education at Shenyang Normal University. I believe that it is of crucial importance to find well-qualified mentors to serve as guides on an educational voyage. As the first step in my own journey, I chose to do my Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics at Georgia Tech. During the past four years, I

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Case Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Comparative Analysis of Case Studies - Essay Example Enterprise Resource Planning System can be termed as a business software system that assists an organization in running efficiently its resources. Resources in this case can be the finance, the human resource, the materials, or anything that can be managed in that specific organization. The ERP assists the organization in that it provides a complicated solution to the company’s information processing systems wants. The work of the ERP is so easy. Firstly, by allowing the management of the data, which at times is usually integrated in the whole organization. This therefore means that it acts as a transaction processing system. Additionally, it also acts as a workflow management system in that it helps in the management of the many flows that occurs within the organization. In order for information and data to be processed and transacted correctly, the ERP provides a successful of an information technologies system. This is by assisting in the flow of information and any conditi on, which is set. By preventing redundancy of data, entering wrong data, and assisting in the calculation, the ERP assists the company to indulge itself in a competitive world by minimizing the cost incurred. This paper uses the six case studies to assist the managers to achieve the full purpose of the ERP. It analyses the implementation process of the ERP in six companies. The companies include the Rolls-Royce Company, the Dutch construction firms, Pratt and Whitney Canada, Gujrat Heavy Chemicals limited, Texas Instrument and a soft drink bottler. Some of the organizations listed here tried to implement the system and failed while some of them implemented it and succeeded. Implementation phase case study of the Rolls Royce In the implementation phase of the Rolls Royce, this stage proved to be far too large therefore forcing the management to half it into waves. The two waves contained some two things in common. Firstly, it was involved in the implementation of its architecture and its physical. In addition to that, they were both concerned with the modifying the working practices that the organization had. The first wave involved the replacement of the legacy systems in the organization. It should be noted that the SFDM commonly referred to as the shop floor data management was introduced in this phase. The main aim of the first wave was to actually offer new potential for the operations that consisted the gas turbine (Yusuf et al, 2004). The second stage involved the implementation of the human resource, the logistics, the engine assembly, and the spare parts elements. This process occurred one year later. The replacement of the old system with the new system was to occur once the new system responded positively. The Rolls Royce understood that their system was big enough so they gave it quite sometime before the ERP was launched. This proved to be working in their favor. Since the company contains many different steps, the company took its time in understa nding the whole process and gave it its whole energy. However, the management should clearly grasp the implementation of the system. For such an expensive system, the management s

Monday, November 18, 2019

Comparing and contrasting the information presented by Glaze and Essay

Comparing and contrasting the information presented by Glaze and Forster - Essay Example They move from one grove section in the village to another and camp at groves, which become recognised as initiation posts. The forest can also be considered a grove. The Senufo people have a secret society of men called the Poro with the members called Colobele and one member called a Colo. This society has different age grades which have differing responsibilities. According to Forster, the minor age group consists of men aged 20 years (Forster, 1993). A more senior Poro tests the younger age grade by asking them â€Å"passwords† using the secret language of the society. The age group above the junior Poro also teaches the junior Poro the work they should do. In the farmer’s category, the junior Poro carry out tasks in the field where they are not allowed to speak to other members in the village. When comparing the two, Glaze (1986) mainly focuses on the ceremonial activities. She explains activities such as the initiation ceremony. As per her explanation, the junior Poro use their masks to story tell. This activity by Poro happens to be the only similarity in the activities between Glaze’s and Forster’s explanation. The Poro practice different activities in their daily routine. Some of these practises have a spiritual inclination, whereas others have a practical inclination. The activities described by Glaze have the spiritual inclination (Glaze, 1986). These revolve around rituals such as initiation, funerals and use of masquerades. Those described by Forster seek practical solutions such as food, making equipment and ornaments. Forster also goes on to describe spiritual activities such as dancing in the masks (Forster, 1993). The spiritual activities have ceremonies such as initiation whereby procedures with a symbolic meaning occur. For the practical procedures, goals such as obtaining food, making equipment and ornaments happen to be the main objective. The Senufo people have various forms

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marketing Essays Mars Bar Marketing

Marketing Essays Mars Bar Marketing Mars Bar Marketing The Marketing Strategy for the Mars Bar in the United Kingdom In this report a strategic analysis will be made of a Mar’s Bar (as opposed to the Brand) I think you have this wrong – a Mars Bar is a mix of milk, chocolate, glucose, etc! – you mean, I think, a review of Mars Bar as a product, rather than a review of the Mars Company as a whole. Mars is both an item of confectionary and a leading global brand recognisable almost anywhere in the world. NO, Mars is a global confectionary brand and the Mars Bar is one of its flagship products! There will be a detailed examination of the integration between strategic aims and marketing actions. Mars strategy and relationship between its target market segments will be examined, along with its products and services offered to the different customer groups and promotional activities. The links between the external environment, (PEST, Porter), business strategy and marketing will be evaluated. A Mars’ bar is in essence chocolate-malt nougat topped with a layer of caramel and covered with milk chocolate. In the United States, it is known as the Milky Way bar. (There was a Mars bar in the United States, but it was discontinued in 2000. It was then re-launched under the new name the Snickers Almond bar.) Mars Incorporated is a family owned company that produces some of the world’s leading confectionery; food and pet care products and has a growing beverage and health nutrition businesses. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, Mars Incorporated operates in more than 65 countries and employs more than 40,000 associates worldwide. The company’s global sales are approximately $21 billion annually. Founded in 1911, the company manufactures and markets a variety of products under many of the world’s most recognizable trademarks, including MILKYWAY ®, MM’s ®, SNICKERS ®, MARS ®, UNCLE BEN’S ® Rice, and PEDIGREE ® and WHISKAS ® pet care products. Frank Mars was born in Minnesota, USA in 1882. Due to mild polio his walking was impaired. His mother taught him to hand dip chocolate as a means to keep him entertained. Frank married in 1902 and in 1904, Forrest Mars Sr. was born, in Minnesota. Frank Mars and his second wife started making and selling butter cream candies from their third home in Washington, in 1911. This led them to renting their first candy factory, the Mars Candy factory Inc, which employed 125 staff. In 1920, Frank moved to a larger site in Minnesota, which he called nougat house. The Mar-o-bar was introduced to the candy range in 1922. With a larger site for distribution of this candy the Mar-o-bar company was launched. After three years of researching, the Milky Way candy bar was introduced and was an instant success. Sales increased and more staff were hired. In 1929 Mars incorporated, now with 200 staff, relocates from Minneapolis to Chicago. The central location of Chicago offers a better railroad access to the rest of the country. The Snickers bar is launched in 1930. Forrest Mars Snr arrives in the UK, in Slough to start his own business in 1932. The Mars confectionary business diversifies with the acquisition of the dog food business in the UK.W hen? Porter’s 5 Five Forces Analysis of Mars Bar Power of Suppliers The power of suppliers is low. As supplies are mainly commodities – cocoa, sugar, malt etc. there is low differentiation in the supplies. Therefore Mars can afford to be sensitive to the cost of supplies, and can easily switch to a more favourable supplier. The Labour force is largely non-specialised, and thus the power of the unions can be assumed to be low. This puts the employer at an advantage when it comes to negotiating the cost of labour. Forward integration by Mars’ suppliers is unlikely due to the current oligopoly in operation, where brand strength and market share of the main players would make it difficult for new entrants to achieve the high volume of sales required to return a profit. As a large multi-national corporation, Mars may be significantly bigger than some of its suppliers. This will give Mars an advantage in negotiations. Power of Buyers The power of buyers is low, but can be said to be higher than the power of suppliers. Because the price sensitivity of buyers is low – Mars bars are a relatively cheap product there is some potential for Mars to raise its prices without this having a significant impact on sales. The significant brand strength of the product makes it important to the buyer, in terms of wholesalers and retailers. Ultimately retailers need to sell Mars bars, therefore reducing their power to negotiate with Mars on price. Also there is a low threat of backward integration by buyers due to Mars’ brand strength. There has been some backward integration from supermarkets own-brand products, but this has not resulted in supermarkets being able to stop supplying the Mars bar. The low costs for buyers to switch between rival products bring some power back in their favour. Also the size of the Mars Company and the size of its suppliers (wholesalers and supermarkets) is similar – there is no clear imbalance of power between parties. Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants is low. There are high entry costs to this market it costs a lot of money to produce and market a new competitor from scratch. The threat is more likely from existing food companies e.g. Kellogg’s cereal bars. Economies of scale are a barrier – a small profit margin (for example, just 0.5p gross profit per bar of Kit Kat [which is actually a Nestle product! – why pick this as an example?]) means that larger volumes need to be produced and sold to make a profit. This denies the opportunity for new entrants to develop their market share gradually over time. The extent of product differentiation in the market means that there is high brand recognition for the main products, which a new entrant would have to overcome. This can be considered extreme for Mars, where the brand has been used to launch additional products such as Mars ice cream, cakes and milkshakes. There may also be barriers for new entrants to channels of distribution. Retailers may be unwilling go to commit valuable shelf space to un-proven products. In addition, the existing companies may bulk-buy shelf space, thus reducing the availability to new entrants. In favour of new entrants, there are few legal barriers to entry, though the requirements relating to food hygiene are strictly enforced. The risk to a company’s reputation for failing to follow these requirements are significant e.g. the salmonella outbreak in a Cadbury’s factory in 2006(?) Also, the low profit margins per bar reduces the ability and of Mars to engage in a price war to deter new entrants. The low price sensitivity of buyers would reduce the effectiveness of such a move in any case. Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes is medium – relevant but not strongly significant. With the exception of multi-packs from supermarkets, the Mars bar is primarily a low cost ‘indulgence’ purchase. Therefore its possible substitutes are any items that compete for the same money i.e. the change in people’s pockets, and meet an indulgent need. These could be chewing gum, crisps, soft drinks, boiled sweets, even newspapers. The presence of substitutes will limit Mars’s ability to raise prices and generate profits. However, the relative value of all such items is low, and so it is not often likely that a potential purchaser will be put off buying a Mars Bar, because they cannot afford to buy it and, say, a newspaper. Competitive Rivalry The level of competitive rivalry in the market is medium significant but not intensive. Competition on price will be weakened by the oligopoly pattern evident in the market. This can be evidenced by parallel pricing decisions – the main competitor bars have retail prices very close to each other. The market is highly differentiated in terms of the specific products available. There are lots of different types of bars, but only Mars make a Mars bar, only Nestle make a Kit Kat etc. This has the effect of depressing competition on price, because there are no identical rivals to the product. It can be seen that competition is more intense in non-price dimensions, and specifically in the high spend on advertising. Mars uses a wide range of media to advertise and promote the Mars bar. The increasing level of product differentiation within the brand is also a reflection of competition – new flavours of familiar products are at attempt to take market share form the main rivals. The economies of scale that operate in the market means that Mars must strive to maintain and improve market share, which will impel it to compete intensely with its rivals. Mars bars must sell in considerable volumes to make a profit. PESTLE Analysis of the Mars Bar Political Nestle and Master Foods with its main brand the Mars bar (Nestle again – why are they here?) is receiving criticism for sourcing it chocolate from the West African countries like the Ivory Coast where the cocoa trade is being used to fund conflict to the tune of  £60 million a year. The Ivory Coast provides some 40% of the world’s cocoa, since 2002 it has been torn apart by civil war. The allegations are that the profit from cocoa has been directly siphoned into government funds and used to finance their conflict with the rebels. In addition the rebels extorted money directly from the industry trying to transport the cocoa through its region. Gentle pressure is being applied on Mars to identify how much of its product contains cocoa from the Ivory Coast and strive to become free from â€Å"Conflict Cocoa†. (Independent News and Media Ltd 2007) Sustainability and fair trade with regard to cocoa has become a political â€Å"hot potato† with the manufacturers of the Mars bar being criticised for employing tactics that puts cocoa farmers into virtual slavery, forcing them to turn more of their land over to production of cocoa rather than traditional arable farming and then making entire communities reliant on the cocoa market. The power of the global conglomerate can then manipulate the price of cocoa, ultimately depriving the producer of a fair price for the raw ingredient. The close association of the Mars bar as a product of the United States may cause some with a dislike of all things American to boycott the product; however there does not seem to be any evidence that this has actually occurred. Due to the global use of the product and its association through manufacture and distribution with other countries like the UK, it does not lend itself to being an exclusive American product such as is for the Hershey Bar. In the UK as in other nations where the Mars Bar is manufactured, there is some influence on the processes involved in its production by the legislative requirements of the host nation or other bodies such as the European Union. These relate in the main to food safety and trading standards legislation relating to the safety and standards that the Mars bar must meet in order to be sold to the consumer. Lately this has being more influenced by legislation that relates to advertising, such as the advertising of the product to children. Due to the nature of free market economies, free markets and the established nature of the Mars Bar with its global distribution network it is not felt that the Mars bar is overly influenced by external political factors. Economic In August last year the price of cocoa was threatening to sky rocket as large swathes of the cocoa plantations in Papua New Guinea were infested by the Asian Moth. The region produces some 17% of the world’s cocoa. An infestation of a similar nature in Indonesia in 1998 caused some  £13 million of damage. Mars were affected to such an extent that they sent out their own team to help eradicate the infestation. Mars are continuing to test a number of anti moth measures. ( 2006). The recent business decision to begin producing and using animal based rennet in the Mars bar has been disastrous. The resulting back lash from consumers in the Islamic faith, vegetarians and those with a strong social view on the use of rennet extracted from the lining of a calf’s stomach, has led to Mars making a U-turn on a business decision, apologising for its decision and giving an undertaking that they will return to producing a vegetarian product. Although this issue could be regarded as a social factor, it is in fact an issue of economics as Mars have identified the effect this decision would have on its sales ( 2007). There has been a growth in the chocolate market, the majority of which has been with the high quality, high value products associated to some extent with the growth in disposable income across the developed world. The growth in the market has not necessarily had a positive effect on the sales of Mars due to the inexpensive and generic nature of the product. However, this inexpensive nature of the Mars Bar makes purchasing it an uncomplicated decision for consumers with no financial consequences that could lead the purchaser to regret making the original decision to purchase a Mars bar or to restrict the quantity or frequency of purchases. The largest markets for Mars are generally the more affluent and developed markets with little room for growth such as UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The emerging and developing markets of India and China with a combined population of nearly 2 Billion individuals is a virtually untapped market of consumers. These markets would require a unique marketing strategy as although it has great potential, the regions are not known as great consumers of chocolate. Although a US product it is not known if the markets in India and China would take to it. For many geographic areas of both countries there would be concerns about refrigeration and chocolate melting, which would limit sales areas to main cities, and maybe bigger stores? however with the present level of mutual trade and the world’s general love of all things western it may not be a cause for concern. Master foods itself is showing growth in profits with a 1.4 percentage point of market share gained up to June 2007. Social The most recent issue that has affected the Mars bar has been the disastrous business decision to introduce the use of animal rennet as an ingredient in its chocolate the resulting backlash as discussed earlier not only from those with personal and lifestyle sensibilities but also from those with a social conscience with regard to the treatment of animals This led to Master foods making a U turn on a business decision. The chocolate industry as a whole has been under a political and social spotlight as discussed earlier. Consumers are becoming more ethically aware and are questioning the practices of those associated with the production of cocoa. The industry was heavily criticised over the use of â€Å"child slave labour. Master foods along with its two rivals Nestle and Cadbury do not perform well when examined for their ethical practices. What is the relationship between master Foods and Mars? I thought that Master Foods was a subsidiary of Mars, and Mars the chocolate brand is part of Mars the parent? Mars does not even feature on the league table of those products that are deemed ethical, although it’s fair to say that the ethical names on the list are not household names, either [give some examples, then!] ( 2007) The Mars bar is not produced under a fair trade or ethical banner, thus depriving consumers of a choice. They have a choice – they can buy Green and Blacks, or do without! The market in ethical or fair-trade usually caters for the higher quality chocolates which are priced at a premium. With the continued affluent western lifestyle leading to chronic obesity and ill health there has been a drive to improve the nutritional value of food and to reduce the quantity of high fat and high sugar food groups such as chocolates in our diets. Some members of the health and nutrition lobby are looking for draconian steps to be taken against the chocolate manufacturers to reduce their influence upon diets in a similar way that steps were taken against the tobacco industry. The chocolate industry has received threats about the banning of advertisements aimed at children and at peak times and on children’s television channels. Pre-empting this, Mars has declared that they are moving away from targeting children with their product, a positive social action of their own ( 2007). Any reduction in the use of Cocoa will ultimately affect some 26 million people around the world who are reliant upon the chocolate industry, which includes some six million cocoa farmers ( 2007). Technological To improve cocoa production yields and to guarantee production levels for the future, Mars is investing in research to produce disease resistant cocoa trees to prevent such catastrophes such as the introduction of the disease â€Å"Witches Broom† which decimated the cocoa industry in Brazil in the 1990’s. Should cocoa supplies be affected, the manufacturer with a guaranteed supply of good quality cocoa should corner the market at the expense of its competitors ( 2007). Legal Should the lobbyists become successful in their campaigns to restrict advertising of chocolates or force changes to reduce fat and sugar content of chocolate or to have health warnings placed upon labels then this may not be through a voluntary code but through the introduction of legislation. This may vilify chocolate and make it as socially unacceptable as cigarettes, which may have a profound effect on sales. The safe production of chocolate and how it is presented for sale is governed at present by food safety and trading standards legislation, which is enacted by both national and European legislatures. Environmental There are large quantities of waste associated with the production of chocolate which includes waste chocolate product. Over the last five years the Mars manufacturing plant in Australia has reduced the amount of waste it sends to landfill by 90%. For every 3000 tonnes of product produced every month, 220 tonnes of waste is produced. This is now fed to piglets. The animal waste is collected as fertilizer and the gases produced by the fermenting animal waste is burnt and used to generate electricity. These initiatives are reducing the costs to the business. However any positives are offset by the amount of waste that is being produced across the entire industry and at all the other Mars plants. Mars is also working to reduce the quantity of plastic in its packaging, which it has already reduced by 10% ( 2007). Get help with your essay from our expert essay writers There was some criticism aimed at the chocolate industry accusing it of being responsible for large swathes of deforestation which occurred to make way for the cultivation of cocoa plantations. However, over a generation the cocoa plantations have become diverse ecological systems of their own. (American Association for the Advancement of Science). Pressure is also mounting on many commercial enterprises including chocolate manufacturers to publish the carbon footprint† of their product as society becomes more environmentally aware and wanting to know the affect on the environment that products they purchase have. Due to the raw ingredient coming from the far reaches of the planet and the distribution required for both ingredients and product it is expected that chocolate will have a large carbon footprint compared to the relative inexpensive and mundane nature of the product. ( 2007). Analysis of Mars Marketing Strategies Scope This is an examination of the advertising employed by Mars to Market their Mars bar product within the United Kingdom. It consists of an examination of the TV and Cinema advertising employed by Mars from 1980 to date and will identify themes in the advertising which may indicate the market segmentation strategies being employed. The Advertisements Advertisement 1: This advertisement which was used in the UK in 1986 features a combination of young adults and children both male and female. It emphasises the quality and good value of the product and its â€Å"goodness†. It strongly suggests that it should be part of daily consumption and shows a Mars Bar in a lunchbox. It identifies the ingredients as â€Å"milk, sugar, glucose and thick, thick chocolate† and finishes with the tagline â€Å"A Mars a day helps you work rest and play† Advertisement 2: A TV advert dated C. late 80s. It features a young woman who is an energetic young news reporter trying to impress the boss. After a series of dispiriting setbacks during the day, she pauses for a snack (of a Mars Bar) and then she gets the big break. The voiceover describes the contents of the Mars bar as â€Å"milk, glucose, milk and thick, thick chocolate† and the final tagline is â€Å"A Mars a day helps you work rest and play† The advert implies that the Mars Bar has beneficial effects in keeping high levels of energy throughout the day. Advertisement 3: This TV advertisement was used by Mars in the UK in 1991. It features a well known British international athlete of the period, Peter Elliot. He is shown running in the early morning in an urban environment. He receives the admiring looks of the people he passes, which include the suggestion that he is attractive to the opposite sex. There is no voice over except at the end which lists the ingredients as â€Å"milk, glucose, malt and thick, thick chocolate in a Mars†. Mars is the revealed to be the â€Å"Official snack food of the British Olympic team†. Advertisement 4: This TV advertisement was used by Mars in 2006. It features a casually dressed young man who buys a Mars Bar from a vending machine in a night time urban environment. He eats it as he walks through the streets. As he walks through the streets the lights turn on as he passes implying that the energy of his presence is doing this. He passes two women who give him admiring glances implying that he is attractive to women. There is no voiceover simply the music (Blue Monday by New Order) which is â€Å"high energy†. The Tagline is â€Å"Mars gives you energy† Advertisement 5: This TV advertisement used in 2006 exploits the World Cup of that year. It features a rabid male England football support singing a song and leading an impromptu parade about his belief that England will win the World Cup. The product is not mentioned at all and is only suggested by Bill boards in the background featuring Mars Bars but with the word Mars replaced by â€Å"Believe†. Advertisement 6: This is a 2007 advertisement featuring old footage of tennis player John McEnroe at Wimbledon. During the course of a match, he is doing badly and loses his temper. He eats a Mars bar and goes on to win. The final picture is of a Mars Bar with the words â€Å"Work Rest Play† printed underneath. There is no voiceover. Advertisement 7: A 2006 advertisement starts with the caption â€Å"Love on a Saturday Night with Mars†. It features a young man kissing one girl goodbye as she leaves his home (presumably on a Sunday morning). She leaves. Immediately she has left another girl appears who he greets and invites inside. The tableau implies that he is successful with the opposite sex and that he has substantial reserves of energy. The final caption has the tagline â€Å"Pleasure you can’t measure†. Themes An examination of the content of these advertisements reveals the following themes: The age range of all the protagonists is limited and generally does not exceed the age of 30 and does not include children. The only exception is in advertisement 1 which features older adults and children, which is chronologically the oldest. Of the seven advertisements, five have men as their major participants. The exceptions are advertisements 1 and 2 which are the oldest. There is an implication in each of the advertisements 2-7 that eating a Mars Bar assists in achieving success in some way. Specifically: Ad2- Success at work Ad3- Success in sport, attractiveness to opposite sex; Ad4- Attractiveness to opposite sex; Ad5- Success in Sport; Ad6- Success in Sport; Ad7- Attractiveness to opposite sex; There has been a gradual change from Ad1 to Ad7 in moving away from the emphasis on ingredients and value for money. From Ad1 to Ad2 the ingredients listed drops sugar and replaces it with malt. By Ad4 the listing of ingredients is dropped altogether and does not appear again. All advertisements emphasise the importance of the product in giving energy. Market Segmentation Assumptions Using Jobber’s schema of market segmentation criteria (Jobber, 2004, p213), the above can be analysed to identify Mars market segmentation strategy for the Mars Bar. Profile Variables Demographic- The advertisements are aimed exclusively at the young and vigorous and almost exclusively at males. Socio-Economic- The emphasis on young males would imply that the target group would not generally have large disposable incomes. However, there is not a clear emphasis on any socio-economic group. Geographic- Five of the seven advertisements feature primarily an urban environment. However, this is where the majority of the UK population live, so it should be expected. Psychographic Variables Lifestyle- The emphasis on the product giving energy would suggest that the product is aimed at people who have, or see themselves as having, a busy demanding lifestyle. Personality- The advertisements 2-7 all seem to associate the product with the striving for success. It is possible that the message is â€Å"Winners eat Mars Bars and I am a winner†. Behavioural Variables Benefits Sought- The clear benefit sought in all of the advertisements is that of a snack which provides an energy boost during the day. In addition, there has been a change in Mars’ assumption about the benefits sought from Ad1 (good value, large size, full of high calorie ingredients) to subsequent advertisements when these are no longer seen as benefits because of concerns about diet. Purchase Occasion There is no clear evidence of Mars’ assumptions about purchase occasion after Ad1 which in its tagline implies that Mars Bars should be purchased daily. Purchase Behaviour- There is no clear evidence in the advertisements of Mars’ assumptions about purchase behaviour. Usage There is a clear implication from the advertisements 2-7 that Mars consider young males as the main consumers of bar chocolate. Perceptions, Values and Beliefs All the advertisements, seem to emphasise the importance of striving, hard work, competing and living for the moment. It can be assumed that Mars are targeting those that share those values. Market Segmentation The division of a market into different homogeneous groups of consumers is known as market segmentation. Market segmentation correctly applied is about understanding the needs of the customer and therefore, how they decide between one product to another. This insight is used to form groups of customers who share the same or very similar value criteria. A company is then able to determine which groups of customers is best suited to serve and which product and service offers will both meet the needs of its selected segments and outperform the competition. The primary objective of segmentation therefore must be how to win and retain the customers you want to serve. The variables used for segmentation include: Geographic variables Demographic variables psychographic variables and behavioural variables. We have applied these variables to the Mars Bar and in this report we will provide an insight into segmentation and how this relates to consumer purchasing behaviour. Today’s consumer is more ethically and environmentally aware and environmentally aware than ever before and increasingly so with regard to the consumption of food and drink. In the media, on shelves, the focus on reducing our carbon footprint is constantly present and the push to understand where our food is from is increasing. Customers segment themselves and take no notice of how companies segment their market when choosing between competing products and services, customers select the proposition that meets their needs better than any other. To win market share, therefore Masterfoods ensures that their offers meet these needs better than any other at a price they perceive as providing superior value for money (which does not necessarily mean it has to be the cheapest) in order to achieve this Masterfoods have made sure Mars Bar is available in any region of the world or the country. George Day (1980) describes a bottom- up approach in this approach you start with a single customer and then build on that profile Masterfoods initially aimed the Mars Bars at the active person who worked hard this was predominately aimed at the young male market. However this approach has changed and the company is now targeting females and the health conscious market- by making their chocolate bar lighter and encouraging people to see it as a snack, compared to a lunch replacement. The Bar itself is reasonably priced it appeals to all due to its slick slogans ‘pleasure you cannot measure’. Discussions did take place to introduce rennet to the Mars Bars but this was quickly withdrawn due to pressure therefore this leads us to believe the consumer has power and religion and ethnic marketing has role to play in the demographic variable in market segmentation. The Mars Bar itself has been updated with new features such as a funkier typeface on the wrapper and a lighter whipped nougat filling. Mars bars used to be pretty challenging to chew but that familiar caramel- induced jaw ache will soon be forgotten, as Mars become even more like milky ways. The person that purchases a chocolate bar is often not thinking what chocolate he or she wants: it’s due to the advertising and identification with the brand that leads the person to buy a particular bar of chocolate. Mars Bar at the start mentioned in its slogan ‘work rest and play’ due to the changing life styles values, attitudes, personalities of people Masterfoods have had to change their approach and now it has adopted ‘pleasure you cannot measure’ this aims to reflect

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Electronic Medical Records and Charting Essay -- Medical Technology

Electronic Medical Records and Charting Today’s healthcare is changing, and more hospitals are commencing to go paperless using computers for both medical records and charting. Computers are widely accepted, in personal and professional settings. It is an essential requirement for computer literacy. Numerous advances in technology during the past decade require that nurses not only be knowledgeable in nursing skills but also to become educated in computer technology. While electronic medical records (EMR’s) and charting can be an effective time management tool, some questions have been asked on how exactly this will impact the role and process of nursing, and the ultimate effects on patient safety and confidentiality. In order to investigate these topics, I will be addressing the individual aspects of EMR’s that nurse’s use every day, how they affect collaborative care, and the impact they have on the nursing role. In the Emergency Department at General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital (GLWACH) manual paper charting is still used for charting most of the patient care that is per-formed; the exception would be any laboratory studies needed and any kind of radiology proce-dures that must be done. These orders are then put into the computer system, most often by the nurses. I had an opportunity to observe both positive and negative indications during my 72 hour preceptorship at the General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital. Some of the positive of having EMR’s and electronic charting are that: they are pass code protected, allow access to in-formation quickly, legibility and organization aspects, efficiency of time, and allow for easy transfer of data which minimizes errors. If a patient comes in by ambulance, and is un... ... Informatics & the EMR on ADVANCE for Nurses. ADVANCE for Nurses. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Dykes, P., Cashen, M., Foster, M., Gallagher, J., Kennedy, M., MacCallum, R., et al. (2006). Serveying Acute Care Providers in the U.S. to Explore the Impact of HIT on the Role of Nurses and Interdisciplinary Communication in Acute Care Settings. Journal of Healthcare Information Management , 36-44. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Yee, T., Needleman, J., Pearson, M., Parkerton, P., & Wolstein, J. (2012). The Influence of Inte-grated Electronic Me... [Comput Inform Nurs. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Electronic Medical Records and Charting Essay -- Medical Technology Electronic Medical Records and Charting Today’s healthcare is changing, and more hospitals are commencing to go paperless using computers for both medical records and charting. Computers are widely accepted, in personal and professional settings. It is an essential requirement for computer literacy. Numerous advances in technology during the past decade require that nurses not only be knowledgeable in nursing skills but also to become educated in computer technology. While electronic medical records (EMR’s) and charting can be an effective time management tool, some questions have been asked on how exactly this will impact the role and process of nursing, and the ultimate effects on patient safety and confidentiality. In order to investigate these topics, I will be addressing the individual aspects of EMR’s that nurse’s use every day, how they affect collaborative care, and the impact they have on the nursing role. In the Emergency Department at General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital (GLWACH) manual paper charting is still used for charting most of the patient care that is per-formed; the exception would be any laboratory studies needed and any kind of radiology proce-dures that must be done. These orders are then put into the computer system, most often by the nurses. I had an opportunity to observe both positive and negative indications during my 72 hour preceptorship at the General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital. Some of the positive of having EMR’s and electronic charting are that: they are pass code protected, allow access to in-formation quickly, legibility and organization aspects, efficiency of time, and allow for easy transfer of data which minimizes errors. If a patient comes in by ambulance, and is un... ... Informatics & the EMR on ADVANCE for Nurses. ADVANCE for Nurses. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Dykes, P., Cashen, M., Foster, M., Gallagher, J., Kennedy, M., MacCallum, R., et al. (2006). Serveying Acute Care Providers in the U.S. to Explore the Impact of HIT on the Role of Nurses and Interdisciplinary Communication in Acute Care Settings. Journal of Healthcare Information Management , 36-44. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Yee, T., Needleman, J., Pearson, M., Parkerton, P., & Wolstein, J. (2012). The Influence of Inte-grated Electronic Me... [Comput Inform Nurs. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Discovery of Electronics

The first practical application of electricity was the telegraph, invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1837. The need for electrical engineers was not felt until some 40 years later, upon the invention of the telephone (1876) by Alexander Graham Bell and of the incandescent lamp (1878) by Thomas A. Edison. These devices and Edison's first central generating plant in New York City (1882) created a large demand for men trained to work with electricity. The discovery of the â€Å"Edison effect,† a flow of current through the vacuum of one of his lamps, was the first observation of current in space. Hendrick Antoon Lorentz of The Netherlands predicted the electron theory of electrical charge in 1895, and in 1897 J. J. Thomson of England showed that the Edison effect current was indeed caused by negatively charged particles (electrons). This led to the work of Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, Lee De Forest of the United States, and many others, which laid the foundations of radio engineering. In 1930 the term electronics was introduced to embrace radio and the industrial applications of electron tubes. Since 1947, when the transistor was invented by John Bardeen, William H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley, electronics engineering has been dominated by the applications of such solid-state electronic devices as the transistor, the semiconductor diode, and the integrated circuit. the branch of engineering concerned with the practical applications of electricity in all its forms, including those of the field of electronics. Electronics engineering is that branch of electrical engineering concerned with the uses of the electromagnetic spectrum and with the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits, transistors, and vacuum tubes. In engineering practice, the distinction between electrical engineering and electronics is based on the comparative strength of the electric currents used. In this sense, electrical engineering is the branch dealing with â€Å"heavy current†-that is, electric light and power systems and apparatuses-whereas electronics engineering deals with such â€Å"light current† applications as wire and radio communication, the stored-program electronic computer, radar, and automatic control systems. The distinction between the fields has become less sharp with technical progress. For example, in the high-voltage transmission of electric power, large arrays of electronic devices are used to convert transmission-line current at power levels in the tens of megawatts. Moreover, in the regulation and control of interconnected power systems, electronic computers are used to compute requirements much more rapidly and accurately than is possible by manual methods Electrical phenomena attracted the attention of European thinkers as early as the 17th century. Beginning as a mathematically oriented science, the field has remained primarily in that form; mathematical predication often precedes laboratory demonstration. The most noteworthy pioneers include Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert and Georg Simon Ohm of Germany, Hans Christian Orsted of Denmark, Andre-Marie Ampere of France, Alessandro Volta of Italy, Joseph Henry of the United States, and Michael Faraday of England. Electrical engineering may be said to have emerged as a discipline in 1864 when the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell summarized the basic laws of electricity in mathematical form and predicted that radiation of electromagnetic energy would occur in a form that later became known as radio waves. In 1887 the German physicist Heinrich Hertz experimentally demonstrated the existence of radio waves. The first practical application of electricity was the telegraph, invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1837. The need for electrical engineers was not felt until some 40 years later, upon the invention of the telephone (1876) by Alexander Graham Bell and of the incandescent lamp (1878) by Thomas A. Edison. These devices and Edison's first central generating plant in New York City (1882) created a large demand for men trained to work with electricity. The discovery of the â€Å"Edison effect,† a flow of current through the vacuum of one of his lamps, was the first observation of current in space. Hendrick Antoon Lorentz of The Netherlands predicted the electron theory of electrical charge in 1895, and in 1897 J. J. Thomson of England showed that the Edison effect current was indeed caused by negatively charged particles (electrons). This led to the work of Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, Lee De Forest of the United States, and many others, which laid the foundations of radio engineering. In 1930 the term electronics was introduced to embrace radio and the industrial applications of electron tubes. Since 1947, when the transistor was invented by John Bardeen, William H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley, electronics engineering has been dominated by the applications of such solid-state electronic devices as the transistor, the semiconductor diode, and the integrated circuit. The functions performed by electrical and electronics engineers include (1) basic research in physics, other sciences, and applied mathematics in order to extend knowledge applicable to the field of electronics, (2) applied research based on the findings of basic research and directed at discovering new applications and principles of operation, (3) development of new materials, devices, assemblies, and systems suitable for existing or proposed product lines, (4) design of devices, equipment, and systems for manufacture, (5) field-testing of equipment and systems, (6) establishment of quality control standards to be observed in manufacture, (7) supervision of manufacture and production testing, (8) postproduction assessment of performance, maintenance, and repair, and (9) engineering management, or the direction of research, development, engineering, manufacture, and marketing and sales.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Part one drama essays

Part one drama essays For our performance of Still I Rise we wanted to use texts and performances we had seen and read in the past to help us make it better. A text we used from which to draw inspiration was The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Having studied The Crucible in depth, I feel that it is easy to see a resemblance between the two. As in The Crucible, some of our performance took place in a courtroom setting. In fact, our main themes were taken from The Crucible. For example with Still I Rise, we wanted to convey a sense of misplacement for Lauras character, who my character bullied into killing herself. This was to do with the outlawing of Mary Warren by the other girls in the courtroom scene and the way in which human nature tends to turn its back on outsiders. We also wanted to draw out the unfairness of the witch-hunts in The Crucible through our own performance and this is why we deliberately did not show a reason behind the cruel and unprovoked torture of Lauras character. We also wanted to give a feeling of Arthur Millers writing, in which he puts in small movements and accidental outbursts of speech for each of the characters that hide things from other people. For example, when in Act 2 John Proctor comes in from outside where it is taken that he has been with Abigail, he puts extra salt into the pot of food that Elizabeth has cooked for him then later tells her that it is well seasoned. However, being as it is a non-naturalistic piece, we did not want to put in too many humanlike actions so we decided to create characters to act as consciences. As my character is tormented with guilt, so does my conscience torment me by playing games and by pushing me around. Likewise, as Lauras character is consumed by self-pity and suicidal feelings, so therefore her conscience actively kills her and dies with her. Interestingly, this also relates to B ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Essays

Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Essays Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Paper Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Paper Essay Topic: Equus Lennie and George are well different from the other ranch workers chiefly unlike the workers who are all shown to be lonely. George and Lennie have each other. They relay on each other and their dreams together. There is a bond of trust and friendly relationship between the two chief characters which is tragically highlighted in the shutting lines of the novel. The fresh ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck is set in the early 1930’s following the prostration of the New York wall street market known as the depression old ages. In this clip there was heavy unemployment ; migratory workers from all over America came to California where the novel is set in the Salinas vale in hunt of chances of work. The spread itself is a microcosm of the life for migratory workers in that clip. their insecurities are shown through the characters such as Curley. Candy. Curley’s married woman and besides the life of Black people through Crooks. All the characters are lonely except for Lennie and George who have each other and this is shown through their hopes and dreams. Lennie and Georges history together opens up when George negotiations to Reduce a character that everyone respects. even Curley. George openly speaks to Reduce about the incident when George tells Lennie to leap into the river jestingly. but to everyone’s surprise Lennie leaps in without oppugning George non gaining he can non swim and about drowns if George didn’t deliverance him. even so Lennie thanks George for salvaging him even though it was George who told him to make it in the first topographic point. At this point George’s fright is shown at Leannie’s inability to grok logical and unlogical things. George realises at that minute that if he is non careful Lennie could make the incorrect thing once more. George’s other frights are besides shown in the incident at weed. while speaking about it to reduce he describes Lennie being ‘slow’ as he likes to touch everything he likes. merely wants to experience it. So he reaches to experience a misss ruddy frock and the miss shriek. Lennie gets scared all he can believe to make is keep on and that George had to hit him with a fencing lookout to do him allow travel. Again Lennie’s strength becomes an issue and the author about announcing the hereafter. George is afraid of Lennie non understanding right from incorrect and his strength panics George doing him believe that he might to what he did at weed once more. Lennie is shown to be a kid in a adult males organic structure. throughout the book he wants to be told their dream about like a bed clip narrative and doesn’t feel closing until he has been told it. And once more like a kid he likes soft and fury things associating to the ground why he likes to touch frocks. Lennie’s greatest fright of the all is that he won’t be able to be given the coneies if he did something wrong like the incident at weed once more. he is besides afraid of his ain strength and non being able to allow travel. Lennie and George’s dream of holding a topographic point of their ain ‘living of the fat of the land’ and Lennie and his lucerne spot and be givening the coneies. keep’s them traveling and trusting that they won’t have to worry about Lennie making the incorrect things once more. and George being able to make what he wants make and non believe about what will go on to Lennie. Their dreams create hope for other characters like Candy and Crooks even for a short piece. On the face of it. it appears that Lennie. because of his mental immatureness. is wholly reliant upon George for his endurance and for obtaining work at assorted spreads. Equally of import nevertheless. is the extent to which George relies on Lennie for company in the by and large unfriendly and alone environment of the migratory laborer. As George admits to Reduce when discoursing himself and Lennie ‘it’s a batch nicer to travel around with a cat you know’ . It can be seen ; therefore that George might non be with Lennie strictly out of a sense of commiseration or responsibility to Lennie’s aunt Clara. From the start of the fresh Steinbeck raises the inquiries in the heads of the reader about why these characters should be involved in such an improbable partnership: George is short of stature. intelligent and undertakings assurance. Lennie on the other manus. is a giant of a adult male. heavy in his pace and his head of a immature kid. The class of events that unfold are tragic. most of it starts with Curley and his insecurity about his tallness and his ever willing to pick a battle with bigger work forces to turn out he is non weak. Steinbeck calls him ciphering and hard-bitten and gives him reptilian animate being like qualities stand foring his behavior to a crocodile while Lennie is shown to hold bear and Equus caballus like qualities compared to animate beings with admirable traits. Ch 3 Begins when Curley flops in looking for Slim who he thinks is with his married woman. When Slim re-enters the room stating Curley that he’s sick of Curley inquiring him about his married woman. Curley can’t battle with Slim so he moves to Carlson who warns him non to pick a battle with him. as they all join in Curley feels defenceless and so turns on to Lennie given any alibi to contend with him. As Curley begins to contend him. Lennie gives out a call of panic and turns to George for aid as he was excessively frightened to support himself. George instantly gets onto his pess shouting ‘Give it to him Lennie. don’t Lashkar-e-Taiba him make it’ . George was afraid of Lennie’s strength but he wouldn’t allow Lennie travel down like that he was protective over him. As Curley goes for another blow to the blood covered face. Lennie grabs his fist. Curley is described to be flopping as a fish. Then merely like in weed Lennie held on to the closed fist being crushed by Lennie’s manus. It took both George and Slim to do Lennie allow travel. Curley was warned non to state a word about what happened. After this Curley’s married woman became really interested in what happened really happened to Curley’s manus but cipher spoke to her. When Lennie kills the whelp in the barn. while inquiring what to make Curley’s married woman comes in. even though he shouldn’t talk to her he does. she tells him how she is lonely and merely wants person to speak excessively. besides how unhappy she is in her matrimony to Curley. this is the lone point in the novel where her narrative comes out. how she was neer loved at place. how she married Curley to acquire off from her life. her dreams of going celebrated in films. As Lennie feels her hair blowholes repeat themselves he can’t allow travel and in her battle to acquire free and Lennie’s fear that she will name George he breaks her cervix in effort to hush her once more his inability to command his strength has taken a bend for the worst. He realises what he has done and remembers that if he did anything bad George said to travel to the coppice where he’d happen him at that place. so Lennie rapidly and softly leaves. Candy is the first to happen her in the barn and gets George who knows immediately what has happened he tells confect to allow him travel to the bunk house first so tell the remainder of them so he doesn’t expression involved. There dream is destroyed and candy incriminations Curley’s married woman. when he tells the remainder of them Curley shows no mark of compunction all he can make is believe about acquiring Lennie back. As they all take off to happen Lennie. George manages to happen him foremost by the lake ; even now he is still afraid he won’t be able to be given the coneies. George knows that there is no manner out for them. cognizing Curley he would merely desire to kill him he wouldn’t put him in gaol. and if he let him travel the Lennie couldn’t expression after himself he would decease without nutrient. shelter and person to look after him. George knew that he would hold to kill him when he found Lennie. Just like Candy’s Canis familiaris to set him out of his wretchedness for the interest of Lennie. Besides he couldn’t allow person else do it he told Lennie about their dream one last clip as he told it he softly put the gun to the dorsum of Lennie’s caput without him gaining and changeable him. it was a understanding putting to death. At the terminal it is Slim who comforts him in stating George that he had to make it. Bibliography: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Monday, November 4, 2019

Keynesian Model and Macroeconomic policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Keynesian Model and Macroeconomic policy - Essay Example This essay outlines main foundations of the theory of John Maynand Keynes, one of the most renowned economic thinker of all time. According to his theory, aggregate demand is subject to periodic changes caused by changes in the determinants of aggregate demand.Aggregate demand is unstable because prices and wages are downwardly inflexible. This decline has no effect on price level but real output falls and can remain at its equilibrium indefinitely. It is necessary for governments to intervene and manage the level of demand in the economy in order to obtain and retain full employment. In other words, unless careful measures are taken to offset increase in aggregate demand, real output may remain below full employment. At times of recession, high unemployment levels, and low investments in new equipments and machinery together with low levels of technology characterize the economy. When in a recession, Aggregate demand is low in that the sales are low, high unemployment that the jobs suffer meaning that the population has no money ad therefore low spending. To recover from a recession, private business investments and governments hold the key because the consumers have limited amounts of money in their hands and therefore they are not the cause of ups and downs of the business cycle. To remedy a recession, the Keynesians can enlarge the levels of investments in the economy or the governments can create public substitutes for the shortages in private investments because the government provides some utility goods for free. Also if the economy contractions are mild, the interest rates can be reduced to induce more borrowing and provide easy credit/loan. This will help to stimulate private investment and restore aggregate demand to a level rhyming with full employment. For severe contractions, the Sterner remedy of deliberate budget deficits can be employed either in the form of spending on public works e.g. free education, health, transport or subsidizing the consumer. A fiscal policy is a government activity that concerns taxation and public spending. These are the government's tools in their hands in economic policies like maintaining economic growth. A fiscal policy can be expansionary or contractionary. Expansionary fiscal policy In this case GDP expands. Usually the government reduces/cut the taxation level.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Harassment at Work Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Harassment at Work - Case Study Example The plaintiff, Alisha alleged that her employer discriminated against her on the basis of her sex, by failing to restore her to her position, after she took a leave owing to complications with her pregnancy. This case shares some of the circumstances that are similar to the Collins case. Betty Cattino sued her former employers Genesis Healthcare for discriminating against her because of her sex and for the violation of Equal Pay Act. This particular case also has close affiliations with the Collins case. After conducting the research on the case under consideration by the sneaky method, one comes to the conclusion that Shepardizing is a much more organized and time efficient method of conducting legal research. This becomes peculiarly evident from the extreme variation in the results derived from the two suggested methods of research. Shepardizing saves a lot of inconvenience and hassle involved in conducting legal research. Especially the CLAR method of Shepardizing provided by Lexis cuts short the botheration and confusion involved in looking for the text of the document that cited a particular case by using keywords. Above all the hypertext features available in the online Shepard Citations enable a researcher to navigate conveniently from the Shepard's reference to the text of any specific document that cited a particular case. Almost all the sources located during the research referred to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits all forms of discrimination at work on the basis of an employee's color, race, sex, religion or national origin. In the case of Collins, she is specifically being discriminated against on the basis of her sex and the ensuing responsibilities as a mother and a partner. Thus she can undoubtedly sue her employers for the violation of Title VII. Some sources also refer to the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which allows for claiming damages in case of being subjected to any intentional discrimination at work. Evidently in the Collins fact pattern, the ABC Advertising is conclusively discriminating against Collins on the grounds of her dressing sense, sociability and parental responsibilities. Hence this legal provision can be